Untitled Document

Untitled Document

Tedeschi NFT Art Online Gallery

All original NFTs are available online

SeaDream0001 by Jack Tedeschi

SeaDream0001 - This digital art started as an original pencil drawing which was then inked and scanned. From there the drawing was reworked digitally into a raster .PNG image (RGB) 8 1/2" x 11" 200 dpi
This particular version has a unique modification in the upper left hand corner a penguin was drawn in to replace the SeaCock that appears in the raw image.

This Digital file is being offerd as a NFT on OpentSea.io

SeaDream0002 by Jack Tedeschi

SeaDream0002 - This digital art started as an original pencil drawing which was then inked and scanned. From there the drawing was reworked digitally into a raster .PNG image (RGB) 8 1/2" x 11" 200 dpi. This particular version is the original inked image.

This Digital file is being offerd as a NFT on OpentSea.io

NFT Investor Art available online

Northern Princess 01 - Northern Princess is a fantasy art composition from Feb. 2022. Using composite images and effects on multiple layers for desired effect. 300 dpi .jpg, Yes we take requests!

This Digital file is being offerd as a NFT on OpentSea.io


Jack Tedeschi NFT for sale


Jack Tedeschi NFT for sale


Jack Tedeschi NFT for sale


Jack Tedeschi NFT for sale


Jack Tedeschi NFT for sale


Jack Tedeschi NFT for sale


NFT investor art available online

Octo-Zen-00 - This digital art started as an original pencil drawing which was then inked and scanned. From there the drawing was reworked digitally into a raster .PNG image (RGB) 9" x 17" 72 dpi
This particular version has a unique modifications and differs from the raw image.

This Digital file is being offerd as a NFT on OpentSea.io






Ellsworth Art Studio Gallery in Maine (207) 266-6723



NFT Online Art Gallery Digital Art Studio

If you are interested in participating in our online art gallery please fill out our form. NFT Online Art Gallery (207) 266-6723


Untitled Document
Riverside Art Center featuring Maine Artists